Medical treatments, consultations and tests

The ESTONIA Medical Spa specialises in the prevention and rehabilitation of bone and joint diseases. Relief is also provided for diseases of the peripheral nervous system and respiratory system.

We appreciate your time and will help you find what you need from our wide selection of procedures and treatments. The procedures included in our treatment packages bring relief from joint pain, help with nerve diseases, radicular pain and various chronic inflammations.

Information and reservations:
+372 447 6950,
Mon-Fri 8-16:30

For the maximum result of the procedure we advise to arrive to the designated place 5 minutes earlier. Arriving 5 minutes later, the procedure will be shorter, upon being late for more than 5 minutes, the procedure will not be provided nor compensated.


Localised cold therapy 10 €
Ozokerite 20 min 14 €
Warm peach paraffin for hands 15 min 15 €
Paraffin treatment for feet 20 min 25 €
Treatment for tired legs 15 min 17 €
Peat therapy for hands 20 min 16 €
Treatment bath with herbs 15 min 16 €
Underwater shower massage 10 min 23 €
Treatment bath for feet 15 min 14 €
Light therapy for mood 30 min 10 €
Light therapy with Bioptron lamps 10 min 15 €
Water gymnastics in a group 30 min 9 €*
Therapeutic gymnastics in a group (back and joint training group or neck and shoulder training group) 20 min 8 €
Stretch therapy on stretching table 30 min 17 €
* Extra fee for admission to TERMID, excl. clients with packages
ELECTROTHERAPY (only with doctor’s prescription)
Magnet therapy 10 €
Ultrasound therapy 13 €
Amplipulse 10 €
Diadynamics 10 €
D’Arsonval 15 €
Kinesio taping 20 €
Salt chamber                                        30 min adult 13 €
child up to 3 years (incl.) with one adult 13 €
child 4–14 yrs (incl.) 6 €
for wheelchair users 13 €
Inhalation 10 min 10 €
Relaxation therapy 15 min 10 €
Bio-magnetic treatment 30 min 20 €
Blood and energy circulation stimulator VERS 10 min 7 €
Acupuncture 25 min 20 €
MASSAGES Mon-Thu Fri-Sun
Scalp massage 20 min 25 € 28 €
Indian head massage Champi 45 min 40 € 43  €
General massage 60 min
45 min
45 €
38 €
48 €
41 €
Partial massage 20 min 24 € 27 €
Sports massage 75 min 55 € 58 €
Lymph massage 75 min 55 € 58 €
Partial lymph massage 40 min 38 € 41 €
Metabolism boosting massage 60 min 45 € 48 €
Cellulite massage 30 min 35 € 38 €
Reflexology 60 min 47 € 50 €
Pressure point foot massage 30 min 36 € 39 €
Honey massage 90 min
60 min
57 €
52 €
60 €
56 €
Partial honey massage 30 min 35 € 39 €
Aromatherapy massage 90 min
60 min
60 €
50 €
63 €
53 €
Cup massage 60 min
30 min
50 €
35 €
53 €
38 €
Lava stone massage 75 min 60 € 65 €
30 min 35 € 38 €
Doctor’s consultation up to 10 min 20 €
Nurse’s consultation up to 10 min 10 €
Receiving a prescription 7 €
Medical procedures 10 €
Blood pressure measurement 3 €
ECG and doctor’s consultation 30 min 30 €
Ear cleansing one ear
two ears
25 €
40 €
Physiotherapist`s consultation 45 min 35 €
Physiotherapist`s subsequent consultations
(only with physiotherapist´s prescription)
30 min 25 €
Physiotherapist`s consultation for kid (once) 40 min 25 €
Physiotherapist`s subsequent consultations for kid 40 min 20 €
Blood sugar 10 €
General cholesterol 10 €
General urine analysis 10 €
Allergy tests
1 allergen 15 €
1 panel (for many allergens) 25 €
Test packages
Test package OKEY! 
ECG analysis; blood tests for determining D and B12 vitamin, calcium, magnesium, general cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglyceride, glucose, and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein levels, prostate specific antigen or thyroid-stimulating hormone or glycohemoglobin test; plus a consultation with a physician, where metabolism, cardiovascular system, endocrinal and immune system are evaluated and clients are advised.
110 €
Basic metabolism testing package
Basal metabolic rate testing; body mass index, body fat percentage, visceral fat level and skeletal muscle percentage testing and explanation of results.
20 €
Food intolerance analysis 
The Food Detective™ test, created by Cambridge’s Nutritional Sciences Ltd, tests 46 different food ingredients or groups which can cause food intolerance.  Food intolerances are measured as not present, weak, moderate, or severe. The test includes clarification of the test results.
120 €
Thyroid disease diagnosis  
The analysis includes hypothyroid and hyperthyroid diagnosis, assessment of the effectiveness of thyroid hormone replacement therapy, and medical consultation.
90 €
Anaemia diagnosis  
The analysis includes assessment of neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils, ferritin, folate, and vitamin B12 levels in the blood, and medical consultation.
90 €
Liver disease diagnosis 
The analysis includes assessment of ASAT, ALAT, ALP, GGT, Bilirubin, HbsAg, HCV Ab, Albumin and protein levels in the blood, and medical consultation.
60 €
Diabetes test
The analysis includes determination of glucose and glycated hemoglobin levels in the blood, and medical consultation.
65 €
Vitamin and mineral composition in the body
The analysis determines vitamin D, folate, vitamin B12, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and calcium levels in the blood, and medical consultation.
90 €
Blood tests
Hemogram with a five-part leucogram 15 €
C-reactive protein 9 €
Fe-blood serum analysis 9 €
Glycose 9 €
Alanin aminotransferase 9 €
Aspertate aminotransferase 9 €
General cholesterol 9 €
HDL-cholesterol 9 €
LDL-cholesterol 9 €
Creatinine 9 €
Uric acid 9 €
Triglycerides 9 €
Protrombin time 12 €
Glycohemoglobin 16 €
Hormone stimulating the thyroid 18 €
Free thyroxin 18 €
Prostate-specific antigen 22 €

Estonia Spa Hotels AS reserves the right to change prices.

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